Apple Watch Ultra – I’m Out

When Apple first announced the Apple Watch Ultra, my first thought was – thankfully, it’s not for me. I’ve bought Stainless Steel Series 7 last year, thinking it would last two or even three years, so paying another €900 after just a year seemed a bit too much.

When it came out, I still went to the store to try one out, just out of curiosity. And again, thankfully, I didn’t like it. The main negative surprise was how light it was for the size. I was really expecting something much heavier.

But then I started seeing them on people’s wrists, and it didn’t look bad at all. As I’ve seen even more while on a trip to London, I started thinking of buying one. After getting on my wife’s nerves for a couple of days, she finally sent me to the Apple Store, just to shut me up.

What I’ve done is put my current watch on my right wrist and Ultra on my left, seeing them side by side made me realise how much I don’t like… both of them.

Ultra looked good, but I like watch faces that are filled with color and if you use those the bezel just stares at you, looking old. And if you look at a regular watch, it’s apparent how much better it looks.

But at the same time, the regular Series looks… old. I’ve said previously, that people are wrong saying that there is not much change between Series 4-6 and 7-8, but on the whole they are similar. The main difference is in the screen and especially compared with Series 3, the newest one looks much better, but the case design, is indeed almost the same. And it’s here for 8 years. It’s time to change.

I’ve bought my first Apple Watch in 2017, when Series 3 came out, and wore one every single day for almost 6 entire years. First 3 years, I’ve been closing all 3 rings every day, but afterward realised that although it is good for my physical health, it’s not that good for my mental health and stopped doing it. And now, I’ve put my Apple Watch for sale with an expectation not to buy another one.