Sunday Endorsement – 14.06.2020

🎞 The Big Short

I wanted to watch this movie as soon as it came out, but somehow forgot and now found it on Netflix. I already recommended it probably dozens of times. It tells about the whole 2007 collapse in a very easy to understand way.

Although I didn’t care for the “almost documentary” style, the cast is astonishing – Bale, Carnell, Gosling, Pitt and more.

Also, there was Antoine Bourdain (a small link to my last week’s post).

🍷 Pasqua 11 Minutes Rosato 2018

Rosé are my favorite wines. They are just perfect, especially in summer. This one is rated among 1% wines on Vivino. I didn’t know it when I bought it, but I totally agree. Right now it is probably my favorite Rosé.

📺 23 Hours To Kill

I’ve been seeing a lot more stand-up specials in my Netflix recommendations. Not the funniest one I’ve seen, but a good one to watch.

💡 30-day Sabbatical From The Social Networks

Definitely recommend to do it. The idea is from the book I wrote about last week – Digital minimalism. After deleting all the social apps from the phone for 30 days you will realize how little you get from them. And it is true. On day 30 I reluctantly installed Instagram back on my phone, opened it and immediately unsubscribed from a lot of people – I didn’t even think about them in this month, so why should I follow their every step.