đź”— Apple Is the $2.3 Trillion Fortress That Tim Cook Built

Great article about Apple during Tim Cook era and the CEO himself.

Three people familiar with the company’s supply chain say there was an Apple employee whose job consisted of negotiating the cost of glue.

I reread this quote probably 10 times. Imagine going to work every day and your job is just follow and negotiate the cost of glue. This alone shows the size of Apple. Not only the display, memory or aluminium, all of which are on the surface, but the price of glue will have a considerable enough impact on the bottomline to justify the salary of an employee.

During Trump’s time in office, he and Cook forged an unlikely friendship that upset liberal-leaning Apple veterans, who couldn’t imagine Cook’s infamously temperamental predecessor tolerating any co-option of Apple’s brand name by someone as boorish as Trump.

I know nothing about Cook and Trump relationship (I can guess like both authors did), but I would bet money it is not friendship. Tim Cook is a CEO of the biggest company in the world, which is based in the United States. It would be criminal for him not to have a relationship with Trump. Moreover, I think it is not Cook — Trump or Cook — Biden relationship. It is CEO of Apple and President of the United States. Simple as that.

Moreover, Flex Ltd., the contract manufacturer that operates the Austin plant, prepped for the event by manicuring the production floor as if it were a stage set. New computers were put on display to “look like we’re selling these things like hotcakes,” recalls one engineer. Many employees were given the day off, and the select few allowed to stay were mostly pretending to work in the background in their blue uniforms, according to another staffer. “It was very much a show,” this person says.

Shocker! Two of the most powerful people in the world are meeting, and the background is staged. I can’t even imagine!