iPhone 15 Pro Max Exit Interview

Unfortunately, last year, despite finally getting my hands on a new phone (god it was in limited supply), I neglected to write a review for the first time ever. Nevertheless, after a year of use, I want to maintain at least one tradition: conducting an exit interview for the phone I’ve relied on over the past year. It’s quite fitting to publish this the day before new models are released.


As you might know, I’ve been going back and forth between the Pro and Pro Max models over the years. During my use of the 14 Pro Max, I was once again leaning towards the smaller model because it was just too heavy. Fortunately, Apple has addressed the issue. The new phone is made from titanium, which makes it lighter. Though the difference might not be striking on paper, it is a night and day difference in hand. The Pro Max is now comfortably usable.

After the presentation, I was immediately drawn to the Natural Titanium color. While there’s been considerable criticism for not offering more colors in the Pro line, I find the Natural Titanium stunning. It changes beautifully under different lighting conditions.

I initially bought a couple of cases during the first week, but they quickly found themselves unused. The phone feels and looks so exquisite that I couldn’t bring myself to cover it with a case.


This is one big finally, albeit with a small caveat. The convenience of having a single charger for all devices cannot be overstated. However, Lightning connectors are still a part of our lives—I’m eagerly waiting for my AirPods Pro to give out so I can upgrade to a USB-C model (and what’s going on with the AirPods Max, Apple?). Additionally, the mouse and trackpad still use Lightning connectors. Nevertheless, while traveling, the reduction in the number of cables I need to carry is definitely a plus.

The caveat? I’m not particularly fond of the USB-C connection. One of the nice things about Lightning was the satisfying click it made when connecting to a device. USB-C lacks this feature. I know it might seem trivial, but that small detail made a noticeable difference.


The other big feature that pushed me towards the larger size is the 5x telephoto lens. It is almost perfect, and I love using it. This is probably my favorite lens on an iPhone ever. The shots you can get are amazing. Maybe it just suits my style (I’ve been reading different opinions), but I couldn’t ask for a better lens in terms of crop, of course. I would welcome improvements to the lens itself anytime. Previously, I barely used the ultra-wide lens and didn’t care much for the digital 2x, as the quality is just not there.


This one actually surprised me, and not in a positive way. Typically, when I get a new phone, I’m reminded how good life with a 100% battery is. However, this time, the battery life of my new phone was disappointingly similar to that of my year-old device. I can’t recall a single day when I didn’t have to recharge it at least once. It’s interesting how I would use the 15 Pro, but this year, the battery has really been a problem for me.

There Was One Other Thing…

As I was wrapping up the conclusion, it struck me that I hadn’t mentioned the Action Button. This oversight is actually quite fitting, as I often forget it exists. After giving it some thought, I decided to assign a Shortcut for adding tasks to the Inbox of Things. Now, whenever something comes to mind, I simply press the button and jot down the thought, idea, quote, or whatever it may be, to deal with later.


The iPhone 15 Pro Max takes one of the top spots in my iPhone ranking, right up there with the iPhone 4S and, more recently, the iPhone 12 Pro Max. It feels much better in hand due to the weight reduction. The addition of USB-C has made life a bit easier. The 5x camera is great fun. Oh, and there is a new button…

The iPhone 15 Pro Max secures a top position in my iPhone rankings, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with classics like the iPhone 4S and the more recent iPhone 12 Pro Max. The weight reduction makes it remarkably more comfortable to hold. The inclusion of USB-C has made life a bit easier, while the 5x camera is just great fun. Oh, and there is a new button…