Saved For Never

Some time ago there were no shortages for read it later services. Not it feels like only a handful of them left. There are Instapaper and Pocket, and built in Reading list in Safari. Those are big three that come to mind. I’ve been using such a service for a quite some time, going from Pocket to Instapaper and back a couple of times.

Last one, was when GDPR came into action, Instapaper just wasn’t working for European users. Such a negligence was unbelievable. Stories and information about GDPR were all over the Internet for a long time and not such a small company, that owns Instapaper couldn’t figure it out. So I’ve migrated all of the saved articles and videos to the Pocket and deleted my account. 

But that’s not the point of the story. The point is – when I open my list, I feel overwhelmed, there are tons of articles saved, some from the beginning of 2018. That got me thinking – what is the chance, that I will read the article or watch the video I’ve saved so long ago. I’ve lost the context of some of those articles. Surely there was a thought that went through when I’ve saved it, but I probably won’t remember it now. Nevertheless, I don’t delete such old items, I keep them with hope that some day I will have time to go through all of them. 

As you can guess, that will probably never happen. So I’ve decided to change my mind around it a bit. Now I look at my Pocket queue as an infinite source of articles and videos. Some of them short, some long – depending on the amount of time I have. Right now I can only hope that some day I will read and watch them all, but realistically speaking, I don’t see it happening any time soon.