Missing games

I love doing “30 days” challenges. So far I’ve done 30 days without coffee, after which I don’t drink coffee in the morning. 30 days without bread, which helped me stick to the diet and lose weight, the other one I’ve done was writing something for 30 days, that was in the middle of 2012 and still I write something every single day, it could be blog post, but it also can be some note in OneNote, doesn’t matter, the point is to write. 

Since Monday, May 12, I’ve decided to do one more 30 days challenge, this time it’s “30 days without games”. Sunday before that I’ve removed all the games from my phone, tablet and PC. I mostly play casual games on my iPad (lately 2048 and Trial Frontiers) and couple of games on PC (the one I’ve played for about 11 years is PES – FIFA in the begging, but hen I’ve changed the camp – and couple of others, that change very often). 

Before this week, I didn’t even realize how much time is consumed by playing games. While I’m at home, about once an hour I think about playing couple of matches in PES, watching TV Show? It’s time to fire up some iPad game. I’ve actually started to pay more attention to TV shows and I’m getting more enjoyment out of it. 

It’s not even a week and I already see changes, I’m afraid to think how I’ll feel in a month.